Artist statement

In my paintings I deal with questions about Israel, a charged and complex place in many aspects, I try to understand what i am I feel for him as an artist, and as a painter working in his territory and on his land.

I paint from deep listening to this place in many ways, the main one being commitment for the direct observation of the landscape, through the materials and colors found in it.

I read the ingredients in the landscape; Earth, vegetation and trees, to which I connect a reading of biblical, historical writings and poetry, Israeli and Palestinian, and learn about the connection between the innocent nature of the space and its informed interpretation.


Omer Geva, born in 1994, painter, graduated from the art department at Bezalel Jerusalem.

Participated and curated an independent exhibition at Beit Yanai, called "The Conscious Fish" in 2018. 
Winner of the Cooper Scholarship to New York, a scholarship which is given once every two years to an outstanding student from the art department, 2022.
Winner of the Lorin and Mitchell Presser Award 2023 for achievements in the field of painting

He served as an assistant to the artist Leah Avital and Jossef Krispel for three years in sculpture and painting classes at the Bezalel art department, 2022-2024
Worked as a carpentry and art teacher at a school for at-risk youth and special education "Tafnit" in Beit Shemesh, 2020-2022
Works at "Rea" photography workshop in the framing department 2023-still
Facilitates drawing workshops and sets up exhibitions as a freelancer, 2022-still.

+972 542452600

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